case studies

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vaping health concerns

E-cigs Debunked: Echelon Health explore vaping health concerns

In the UK alone,78,000 people die per year as a result of smoking. Cigarettes are extremely addictive because of their high nicotine content which subsequently,…

radiation health concerns

5G: Echelon Health explore radiation health concerns

5G, which stands for 5th generation, is the latest and fastest version of cellular internet which can be up to 100 times faster than its…

preventive healthcare

Preventive Healthcare London: Why is Preventive Healthcare So Important?

It is inevitable that everyone wants to live a long and healthy life with their families, undisturbed by disease or illness. Of course, for the…

Can working from home be detrimental to our skeletal health

‘The New Normal’: Can Working From Home Be Detrimental To Our Skeletal Health?

The severity of the coronavirus pandemic in the UK has forced people of all ages to adapt to a new way of life. With the…

Breast Screening

Breast Screening In London

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK, meaning more people are diagnosed with breast cancer than any other cancer in…

What happens when you have a stroke

What Happens Inside Your Body When You Have A Stroke?

There are around 100,000 recorded strokes in the UK each year which account for around 38,000 deaths, 80% of which could be preventable. A stroke…

Echelon Health Packages & Prices for Health Assessments October 2020

Our Brand New Range Of Health Assessments

Echelon Health is one of the world’s leading providers of Preventative Health Assessments. Based in the heart of Harley Street and led by highly acclaimed…

Health check London: what will it test for?

Full Health Check London: What Will It Test For?

Worries surrounding Personal Health can interrupt your ability to enjoy yourself and plan for the future. Though you may live a perfectly healthy lifestyle and…

Platinum Health Assessment - Echelon Health - MRI Control Room
heart ct scan

Heart CT Scan in London – What To Expect

According to the British Heart Foundation, 115,000 cases of heart and circulatory disease could be prevented over the next decade if early detection of precursors…

Prostate cancer test in London - Echelon Health

Prostate Cancer Test in London: Symptoms and Diagnosis

As the name suggests, prostate cancer forms in the prostate, the walnut-shaped gland in men that is responsible for producing seminal fluid and transporting sperm….

Pancreatic cancer diagnosis in London - Echelon Health

Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis And Symptoms

Pancreatic cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer-related deaths, with a one-year survival rate is just 20% and a 10-year survival rate of just…