Preventative health assessments: what you need to know

Posted in , by Echelon Health

Finding the time to look after your health can be challenging and fitting things into your busy schedule isn’t always easy. However, you can take positive steps towards better health with preventative health assessments.

But why are preventative health assessments essential and can they anticipate different diseases and their risk factors? Learn about preventative health assessments with Echelon Health.

What is a preventative health assessment?

A preventative health assessment is among the best tools you can access to safeguard your long-term health. As a service, preventative health assessments include a wide range of screenings, diagnostic tests, thorough consultations and follow-up appointments.

Preventative health assessments are helpful in detecting early signs of disease and the possible risk factors for developing them later.

Conditions and diseases that doctors can detect or investigate with a preventative health assessment include:

  • Various cancer types, including skin, lung, breast, prostate and ovarian
  • Heart diseases, such as coronary heart disease
  • Heart conditions like arrhythmias
  • Hormonal imbalances like hypothyroidism
  • Abnormalities or tumours

Many of these conditions are preventable or much more treatable in their early stages. So, detecting them early with a preventative health assessment is vital.

The importance of preventative healthcare

Preventative healthcare offers multiple benefits that can be the key to unlocking better health for longer.

Some of the reasons preventative healthcare is important include:

  • Enhanced long-term health – by looking after your health now, you strengthen it in the future and potentially prevent certain illnesses.
  • Early disease detection – different tests can detect various health conditions and diseases early, sometimes making treatments more effective. For example, cancer is much easier to treat in its early stages, which may be possible with a preventative health assessment.
  • Decreases the need for invasive or major surgeries – leaving a health condition or disease untreated for a long time can mean it requires much more invasive treatment. However, if detected early enough, treatment can not only be more effective, but it can also be minor in comparison.
  • Improved quality of life – being healthy may help you lead a happier life and feel empowered to take your health into your own hands now and in the future.
  • Decreased mortality rate – preventative healthcare helps you receive treatment sooner for potentially life-threatening conditions, such as cancer.
  • Deep insight into your current health – instead of worrying that something may be wrong, a preventative health assessment provides clear-cut answers and a complete, accurate picture of your current health.
  • Calculates risk factors –  experts associate some diseases and conditions with certain risk factors like family history or other health conditions like diabetes. With a preventative health assessment, we can identify your risk factors so you can make the correct choices for your body and reduce the chances of the disease from developing.

What does a preventative health assessment include?

What a preventative health assessment includes will depend entirely on your assessment type and where you choose to have it. At Echelon Health, we offer many packages that we can tailor to your needs.

For example, our Platinum Health assessment includes: 

In comparison, our dedicated Health Heart assessment includes: 

  • Medical questionnaire and pre-assessment
  • Blood tests
  • ECG
  • CT heart
  • CT coronary angiogram
  • Final consultation

Each preventative health assessment offers slightly different diagnostics, so knowing which is right for you is crucial. If you’re unsure, do not hesitate to speak with our team, who will happily discuss your options and current health or symptoms.

Key benefits of Echelon Health’s preventative health assessments

Echelon Health’s preventative health assessments stand out for the right reasons.

The key benefits of choosing Echelon Health for your preventative health assessment are:

  • Convenience – finding the time in your busy schedule to see the doctor or fit in a preventative health assessment can be challenging. However, at Echelon Health, we perform all the necessary screenings and imaging tests in one day, in one location. We want preventative healthcare to be easy and convenient, so we carry out our assessments in one go.
  • Tailored packages – we can personalise our packages to meet your needs, ensuring we specifically address your risk factors.
  • Champions of women’s health – not all preventative healthcare assessments focus on women’s health, but we provide a unique package dedicated to female health. Learn more about our Cullinan assessment.
  • Comprehensive cancer screenings – if you’re concerned about your risk of developing cancer, then a comprehensive cancer screening could be the right package. Our Core Cancer assessment can detect breast, prostate, liver, thyroid, kidney, ovarian, testicular and other cancers, allowing you to proactively protect your health.
  • Detecting the common causes of preventable deaths – many of the typical causes of death are preventable, but many people do not know they’re at risk until it’s too late. However, with a full preventative health assessment, you can benefit from early detection and treatment and personalised advice to help you minimise risk factors.

Understanding your results: what they could mean

Having many tests in one go provides plenty of information about your health, but understanding what your results mean can seem challenging at first. However, a team member at Echelon Health will explain your results and precisely what they mean for you.

They’ll give you personalised advice and signpost you towards treatment if necessary. By understanding your results clearly, you can make healthy choices for your body and receive the treatment you need when you need it.

Contact Echelon Health today for your very own preventative health assessment

Preventative health assessments offer you the chance to gain deep insight into your current health and receive advice or treatment sooner rather than later. With our Gold or Platinum assessment packages, you can be sure you’re doing the right thing for your health and wellbeing.

Get started today by contacting our team and learn how easy it can be to prioritise your health. 



